About Us.

The Red Flags Mission.

Our mission is to fix online dating by creating a platform that celebrates authenticity and personal growth.

We believe that meaningful connections are built on trust, honesty, and self-improvement, and we're committed to helping our users find genuine connection while growing together and as individuals.

Our commitment is to make online dating more than just swipes and superficial conversations. We're here to guide users on a path of self-discovery and acting with intention.

A couple seated on a park bench under a canopy of trees, overlooking a lake, symbolizing companionship and tranquility.
A couple sitting on a large rock by a mountain lake, reflecting peaceful togetherness in nature.

Our values.

Real talk.

Mean what you say and say what you mean, be accountable and not  afraid of the truth

Be your Boldest Self.

Dating should help us learn about new people, and become a better version of ourselves. Challenge yourself to be your boldest version, get uncomfortable and connect more deeply with others

See the Forest and the Trees.

Conscious dating involves being in the present as well as seeing the future.  Compromise involves understanding your needs and that of your partners to achieve balance.  See the big picture and connect with others who adopt similar values.

The only end-to-end platform providing support along the full relationship lifecycle.